Meditations - September 9, 2022

Meditations - September 9, 2022

While I was meditating today, I reaffirmed loving and letting go of “A”. As if reaching her, I hear a response from her “I love you too, and our souls have connected.”

This got me thinking and feeling of all the people I’ve met. While the human and physical encounters may be deemed negative by some, their souls are inherently divine. A soul is neither positive nor negative, it is essence, ultimate divinity. That our souls grow or grow into the larger cosmos that they are because of the people we’ve met regardless of circumstance. The soul brings closer to it the people and experiences it needs to realign with its infinity. And sometimes, these may come as joyful and/or painful experiences, but ultimately, it’s the soul’s journey to realize its impact on itself: perfection.

Then, I thought about the breakdancing move “flares”. After learning about Tantra, and how it, ultimately is the divine connection between the mind and body (versus the Neo-Tantric movement of sexuality). A strong body equates to a strong mind, but a weak mind equates to weak body. A strong body, a strong mind, and a strong heart equates to a strong will or strong spirit. A strong spirit allows us to realign with our soul or our essence. A strong spirit allows us to integrate our shadow without conflict. It allows us to have the courage and will for discipline. Discipline is the act of keeping the negative aspects of our shadows at bay. For example, the negative aspects of my shadow yearns for affection and ego inflation. This is why recently, while during my fermentation process, I seek empty acts of sexual activity and perhaps window shopping for things I do not necessarily need.

I thought about the element of fire and how it manifests itself within me during my workouts. The burning of muscles, the burning of energy, the burning of fat. When I practice martial arts or sprint or practice calisthenics, there is an inner flame that allows me to “burn.” To burn aspects of my older self. When I swim and perform certain moves in martial arts, I am manifesting the element of water. Water is fluidity. It is the paradox of calmness yet turbulence. When I swim, I submerge myself into calmness, and when I cause waves and ripples, I am subjected to turbulence at which I am positioned to be internally calm. Flares and dance then, is subject to the element of Air. I thought about Avatar the Last Airbender and how graceful the movements of Airbenders are. This is why I want to practice flares. Because it is, ultimately, the true test of mind body alignment while aligning with grace.

I recited the Our Father during the meditation, later I dissected each statement. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done” refers to the kingdom of God within all of us. And our alignment with our souls is our will enacted. “Deliver us from evil” is an affirmation of the discipline required to keep the negative aspects of our shadow selves in check. “Give us this day, our daily bread” I’ve changed to “Give us this day, our daily grace” As in saying “Grace.” Daily bread is not about food or sustenance, it is about receiving grace, which could come in forms of food or sustenance. But grace, ultimately, is the innate energy which allows us to be “graceful.” Grace allows us to dance and to move in ways that aligns with our essence, our soul.

I thought about Joy, Love, and Grace. Some of which are the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Joy is eternal optimism, which allows us for rebirth after dark periods in our lives. While happiness and sadness are merely fleeting emotions, Joy allows for us confidence and optimism of the world and the universe. Joy sparks joy in others, it is inherently viral. When people experience Joy, so too can they be optimistic and confident of the state of the world.

Love is the eternal bindings of the souls that have met. Our souls are constantly growing in unity. My soul is connected to the people I’ve met and the people I’ve lost. In a sense, we never really “lose” people. Because the soul, once connected, grows into a much more expanse unity of the cosmos. I thought about the people I’ve met and the probability behind it. How on average, we meet just about a few thousand people in our lifetime. In a way, the meeting is deterministic, as our souls attract souls that allow for our eternal unity with the universe, with God. That is what Love is, the ultimate unity of souls, unbounded and tethered.

Grace then, is an indication of our realignment with the soul. Grace extends beyond physical. Grace can be observed when one creates or performs. The more graceful we are in execution of things, the more it is we our connected with our selves, our essence. This can be seen in art, in music, in business, in conversations, in acts. To be graceful then, is to have ultimate realization and realignment with our soul. Grace is soul realignment experienced within the physical plane.

After such realizations, I felt and visualized the abstract “source.” The “light.” Or for a lack of better term, God. The visualization takes form of an endless loop of halos or rings, which later transforms into an eye, or an abstract “light.” The visualization and the feeling summons up confidence and will within me. Enough to let me write down these thoughts after such powerful realizations. In a sense, the experience of the “source” has lit and lifted me up. In retrospect, I have written these words with little thought. As if a divine hand has willed me to “spell” it out.

💵 Balance: $2260 (️⬇️ $1390)

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